One angry beast of a male salmon teasing you out there in the current. He’s up for the second time now, survived shit from fish farms, trolling boats and your fellow fishermen. You ain’t gonna catch him, and if you managed to hook him, he will chew up that ally’s and shit it out before you could say cheese! Leaving you on the shore looking like the ultimate jackass. High profile retro trucker cap with foam front and black visor and mesh. Guideline snake logo box jokertag on back right side.
Trucker cap with foam fabricFoam front panel. Structured.Matching plastic snapback closure.Matching undervisor, 6-row stitching on visor.100% polyester.One size fits most – 6 5/8» / 51cm to 7 5/8» – 61 cm circumference.High Quality cap from the makers of Flexfit.
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